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Newlands Community Primary School

Shine Bright

Get in touch

Afterschool Club

Our After School Club in ran by the school, and by two members of Newlands staff.  The session times are 3.05 pm to 5.30 pm daily.


The staff contactable on each day are:


Monday:  Tracy Billings and Laura Vesty

Tuesday:  Tracy Billings and Laura Vesty

Wednesday:  Tracy Billings and Laura Vesty

Thursday:  Tracy Billings and Laura Vesty

Friday:  Tracy Billings and Claire Hodgson-Thompson


The daily price per session is £8 per child, or £7 each for siblings.  Payments should be made via ParentPay.


A variety of activities will be provided daily and some of these include; crafts, sports, cooking and film days. Snacks and drinks are provided at each session.


When collecting your child, please use the radio based at reception to call the staff. In an emergency or if you are running late (past 5.30 pm) please call 07936 699708.


If you would like to book a session, please complete the booking form that is sent out monthly on Dojo.  Alternatively, please call the school office on 01455 844369.



