At Newlands, we strive to cultivate a love of mathematics in all our children, ensuring an excitement and enthusiasm for the subject whilst developing their ability to calculate, reason and solve problems. We teach our children how they can use and apply their mathematical knowledge and understanding across a range of contexts to enable them to engage with the world around them mathematically and give them the tools needed for later study and work.
There is a strong emphasis on developing fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills. As our pupils move through the school, they have access to concrete resources to help secure their understanding of core concepts and will use both pictorial and written methods to demonstrate their understanding. Through careful curriculum planning, children revisit concepts regularly to ensure they develop a deep and meaningful understanding of mathematics.
In addition, children are encouraged to show resilience in mathematics. Across the school, an atmosphere is created where children are confident in taking risks and recognise that making mistakes is something that everyone does, which helps them to become resilient and reflective learners.
Lesson sequences are carefully planned to ensure that there is a clear progression in learning and the children’s prior knowledge is built upon and developed. To help children succeed in maths, there is a strong focus on developing knowledge and understanding of times tables and arithmetic skills, which are regularly taught and practised. Regular formative and summative assessment takes place to ensure all children make strong progress.
White Rose Maths
At Newlands we have chosen to use White Rose Maths as the basis for our mathematics curriculum as it is a recognised, rigorous and structured curriculum that is inclusive, develops understanding and application and allows children to explore each concept in a hands-on, practical manner.
Useful Links
TT Rockstars: “Times Tables Rock Stars is a maths programme that takes all the worry out of learning times tables and has a proven track record of boosting children’s fluency and recall in multiplication and division.”
Numbots: “NumBots is all about every child achieving the “triple win” of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating.”
One minute maths: “1-minute maths app helps your pupils to build greater number confidence and fluency. It’s all about targeted practice in engaging, one-minute chunks!”