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Newlands Community Primary School

Shine Bright

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At Newlands, we recognise the fundamental principle that writing is key to improving learning and that it enables pupils to gain access to all subjects across the curriculum. We intend for our pupils to develop a love of writing and to be able to express their thoughts and ideas clearly and creatively through the written word.  Our aim is to enable all pupils to be confident, ambitious, and creative writers by the time that they leave Newlands.  Furthermore, we aim for all pupils to be able to confidently use and apply the essential knowledge and skills of grammar, punctuation, and spelling to a wide variety of written tasks.


Sequences of learning are based around core texts and the pupils’ current learning journey, embedding grammar, spelling and punctuation within the writing process. Pupils are taught to use grammar correctly, to punctuate consistently and to develop accurate spelling. Clearly modelled examples demonstrate writing outcomes clearly so that children know and use the knowledge and skills they need to be successful writers. Pupils are then taught to re-read, edit and improve their writing, drawing on their wider reading to support their creativity. We believe that literate pupils will ultimately emerge as confident and articulate life-long learners.


For all of these reasons we have chosen to use the Write Stuff as the basis for our Writing learning journeys as they ensure learning focuses on scaffolding, explicit instruction and cognitive/metacognitive strategies. Children learn the structures required for writing in a creative and engaging environment. All children are exposed to key knowledge and vocabulary in an accessible and progressive way. 


The Key Principles of The Write Stuff


  • The Write Stuff builds pupils’ confidence with sentence structure. 
  • The approach widens the repertoire of writing options for pupils. 
  • Pupils gain an understanding of the ‘whole’ piece that they are writing. 
  • Organisation of their ideas and cohesion between them is strengthened



