Miss Kathryn Hunt is the SENDCO for Newlands Community Primary School.
Please contact or telephone the school office: 01455 844369 and messages will be passed on.
All children in our school are valued as individuals and we are committed to giving them every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards regardless of SEN, age, gender, ethnicity, attainment or background. All children have access to the whole curriculum, as well as structured assessments to determine their specific learning needs. Learning is tailored to the individual and children with extra needs are helped, supported and facilitated to reach their full potential. We offer a person-centred approach and we value contact with all parents, including those parents of children who have SEND. By working closely together, we can maximise the attainment and progress of these pupils.
SENDIASS support children and young people with special education needs or disabilities (SEND) and their parents in Leicestershire.