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Newlands Community Primary School

Shine Bright

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What do School Governors Do?


"Governing boards meet regularly to look at the big picture and the school’s long-term goals. They set the culture and values of the school, responding to opportunities and challenges. Governors and trustees work closely with the headteacher, supporting them and challenging them.


Governors typically serve at schools that are maintained by the local authority whereas trustees serve on an academy trust board. They are responsible for:


  • developing a vision and strategy for the school
  • overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
  • holding the school leader to account to ensure that every pupil has the best possible education
  • engaging with pupils, staff, parents and the school community to understand their views 

Activities can include:


  • attending governing board meetings: these normally take place around six times a year and may be held outside school hours
  • looking at information and evidence on the school’s progress and discussing with school leaders 
  • visiting the school to see plans working in practice, and listening to the views of staff, pupils and parents 
  • selecting and appointing a headteacher following the resignation of the current headteacher
  • making decisions about issues such as pupil exclusions and staff disciplinary matters
  • undertaking induction training and ongoing development" (NGA;


The Instrument of the Full Governing Body at Newlands Primary School




Name Appointed byFromTo
Robin ShakespeareChair of GovernorsAppointed by GB02 June 202101 June 2025
Samantha WillisVice Chair of GovernorsElected by Parents04 September 202203 September 2026
Gemma ForrestGovernor    Appointed by LA07 September 202206 September 2026
Jenny CoolingGovernorAppointed by Staff29 March 202228 March 2026
Kirsty PlazaGovernorAppointed by GB04 May 202103 May 2025
Owen DickensonGovernorAppointed by GB11 July 202310 July 2027


Historic (left within last 12 months)


NameRoleAppointed byFromTo
Nadine Vaillant HillGovernorAppointed by GB23 March 202325 May 2023
Val MooreChair of GovernorsAppointed by GB26 February 202021 August 2023
Gemma GardnerGovernorElected by Parents05 July 202211 July 2023
Hannah UsherGovernorAppointed by GB11 September 202322 December 2023
Lindsay MartinGovernorAppointed by GB11 September 202314 June 2024



Total number of Governors: 7




Teaching & Learning

Robin Shakespeare - Chair

Sam Willis

Owen Dickenson



Finance & Staffing

Gemma Forrest - Chair

Robin Shakespeare

Kirsty Plaza (SBM)


Personal Development, Wellbeing and Safety

Gemma Forrest

Sam Willis

Owen Dickenson


Teacher Pay Committee

Robin Shakespeare (Chair)

Gemma Forrest

Kirsty Plaza (SBM)



Head Teacher's Performance Management

Robin Shakespeare


Appeals / Grievance

Robin Shakespeare

Sam Willis


Other areas of responsibility:

Safeguarding: Lindsay Martin


Training & Development: Kirsty Plaza

Health and Safety: Gemma Forrest





Full Governing Body Attendance

Register of Business Interests

