Attendance and Absence Reporting
Newlands Community Primary School is committed to supporting all our families to attend school every day and on time.
We know that every missed day impacts upon a child's ability to make good progress.
The school aims for all its students to have 100% attendance and regards good attendance to be 96% or above with no unauthorised absences.
It is for this reason that all absences or late arrivals at school are treated seriously. We monitor all pupil absence and pupils with below 96% attendance are tracked and monitored carefully by our Attendance Improvement Officer, Mrs Henly.
Paula Rene supports our school. She is an Education Welfare Officer and works with us to enable families who may be struggling with attendance to make progress in this area.
Children's Attendance Welfare Service Introduction Letter
Attendance Information for Parents
Absence from School
The law requires the school to record your child’s absence from school as either authorised or unauthorised.
Authorised absences are mornings or afternoons away from school for a genuine reason such as illness, medical/dental appointments which fall in school time, emergencies or other exceptional circumstances. Most absences from school can be authorised provided that we are informed by you.
Please be aware that the school may require medical evidence (a doctor’s appointment card or prescribed medication) to authorise regular absences.
If your child is off school it is the parent’s responsibility to telephone the school by 8.40am for each day of the absence and inform the school of the reason for absence. There is an answerphone to leave a message, please leave your child’s name, class and reason for absence.
If you do not contact the school you will receive a call advising that your child is not in school and asking you to contact the school to provide the reason.
If your child is off for a longer period, please contact the school on a regular basis to keep the school informed. Please provide medical evidence (a doctor’s appointment card or prescribed medication) for absences due to illness of 3 days or more.
Release from school for part of the day
If your child needs to be released from school for part of the school day a letter must be sent informing the class teacher. Please also provide the school with a copy of any appointment cards or letters for the appointment. When you come to collect your child they must be signed out at the school office and then signed back in on their return.
We know how lateness impacts upon our children and their ability to access learning so will also contact parents if we see that children are regularly coming into school late.