An overview of what's been happening in school this week
We are having another great week in school this week. Our whole school attendance last week was 94.5%, which is below our whole school target of 97%, however, we appreciate that Covid has made this challenging and thank you for your support. Well done to Mrs McEntee’s who’ve had the highest attendance for the second week in a row – 98.6%. Just a reminder that our gates are open between 8:40am and 8:50am and collection time is 3:05pm.
Early Years have taken a trip to the Antarctic this week where they met penguins and explored the landscape. They have written postcards explaining all about their adventure. In Maths, we have been recapping the numbers 1-8 and exploring how to make 8. We have also been learning about alphabetical order through our Alphabet Rap. Can they share it with you at home?
Key Stage 1 hosted their Art Showcase this week where they shared lots of the amazing artwork they have created. The children enjoyed painting in the style of Michelangelo – even heading under the tables to really get into character! In English, we have been writing our final character descriptions about the Giant or Goldilocks. Could they choose another character at home and show off their amazing writing skills?
Lower Juniors have loved their Roman Day visit this week. The found out lots about the Roman Emperor Caligula, the Roman army and Roman life. The children are now well prepared for battle after practising battle formations, designing and making Roman shields. Can they remember any of the name of the Roman armour or show you any battle formations at home?
Upper Juniors have started to explore character emotions and dialogue this week linked to their English unit, Warning Stories. They have tried to use a variety of words for emotions and have thought about how someone would show (not tell) their feelings. What feelings vocabulary can they remember at home?
Monday 7th February – Friday 11th February is Children’s Mental Health and Safer Internet week in school. The children will be completing lots of activities linked to being kind to yourself and others, within the national theme of ‘Growing Together’. We are hoping to create an amazing display linked to this at the front of the school – watch this space! Friday 11th February will be ‘Dress to Express’ non-uniform day where children can wear an outfit of their choice which expresses something about them.