An overview of what's been happening in school this week
We have had another great week in school this week. Our whole school attendance last week was 95.6%, which is below our whole school target of 97%, however, we are getting closer each week. Thank you for your support with this. Well done to Mr Causon’s class who had the highest attendance last week with an amazing 99.3%! Just a reminder that our gates are open between 8:40am and 8:50am and collection time is 3:05pm.
Early Years have had an exciting week exploring Chinese New Year. They have tasted some new foods at the Newlands Chinese restaurant and danced like dragons. Which ones did they like? Can they share their dragon dancing with you at home?
Key Stage 1 started their new theme of Memory Box this week. They have been naming parts of the body and exploring which ones are linked to senses. The children loved going on a sensory walk and using their senses to explore. Which ones can they remember?
Lower Juniors have been working hard in English this week, Innovating their information texts about dragons. They have been focusing on including lots of details about their chosen dragon including their habitat, appearance and a special feature. What was the special feature your child chose?
Upper Juniors have enjoyed writing dialogue this week in English based on the cartoon clip ‘The Bridge’ - They focused on including stage directions to show how the characters and setting needed to look. Can they write their own version at home?
Cross-Country – last weekend, two of our Go for It Gorillas, Josh and Julian, took part in the Hinckley and Bosworth cross-country race. The boys battled through the cold and windy weekend weather and did an amazing job! We are very proud of both of them for taking part; well done.
Just a reminder that next week is Children’s Mental Health week in school which will be linked to the National theme of ‘Growing Together’. Children will be taking part in some mindfulness activities and thinking about how we can support each other, and ourselves, to be the best we can be. Friday 11th will be Dress to Express Day where children can chose what they would like to wear to school in celebration of Children’s Mental Health week.
Please get in touch if we can support you in any way or if you feel you can support our learning in school. If you have any queries about something which has happened during the school day, please get in touch with your child’s class teacher, rather than other parents, so that we can discuss this with you. Teachers will respond as soon as possible but please be aware that they will be teaching for the majority of the day.