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Newlands Community Primary School

Shine Bright

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An overview of what's been happening in school this week

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have had busy final week of this half term in school this week. Our whole school attendance last week was 93.7%, which is below our whole school target of 97% and has dropped from last week. Well done to Miss Norris’ class who had the highest attendance last week with a brilliant 97.4%! Just a reminder that our gates are open between 8:40am and 8:50am and collection time is 3:05pm.

This week, Mini Meteorites have been exploring emotions and talking about why we feel the way we do, coinciding with Children's Mental Health Week. We have also been looking at healthy eating and now award the healthy lunch of the day. We have seen a huge difference in what is being brought into school for lunch; well done and keep it up. Our poem this week is Chop, Chop. Can they retell it to you at home?

The rest of the school have also spent some of their afternoon learning time exploring a range of mental health based activities, including exploring the artwork of Charlie Mackesy’s book, The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse. The imagery is spectacular and inspiring. The children have enjoyed thinking about how we can support and help each other to grow, remembering to be kind to ourselves along the way. The artwork and quotes the children have produced have been incredible; I have attached one of my favourites from Mia in year 6. Look out for your child's on their ClassDojo page.

We are looking forward to seeing all of the children dressing to express in their non-uniform tomorrow in celebration of Children’s Mental Health week.

Thank you for all of your support this half term. All of the staff hope you enjoy your half term week and we look forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday 21st February.

