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Newlands Community Primary School

Shine Bright

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An overview of what's been happening in school this week

Welcome back to school. We hope that you were able to enjoy some time together last week, despite the wet and windy weather we had!

Our whole school attendance for the week before half term was 97.4%, which is above our whole school target of 97%; thank you for your support with this. Well done to Miss Clamp’s class who had the highest attendance last week with an amazing 100%! The highest class attendance for Spring i was Mrs Johnson’s class with 96.6% - brilliant! Just a reminder that our gates are open between 8:40am and 8:50am and collection time is 3:05pm. Please be mindful that the parking area at the front of the school is for disabled parking only.

Mini Meteorites have had an exciting start to this half term with a visit to Forest School. Lots of fun was had exploring the forest area and splashing in the stream. The children have also really enjoyed mark making on large pieces of cardboard using paints, crayons and stencils.

Early Years have had a great week back. They have been learning all about the number 10 and recapping their phonic sounds. Supertato has landed in the classroom this week, with the veggies currently trapped beneath a shopping basket. Can the children retell the story to you? You can find some links to some of the Supertato books below -

Key Stage 1 have enjoyed their Science learning this week all about keeping healthy. The children spent the morning completing lots of physical activities to learn about the importance of exercise and the impact on our bodies. In English, they then wrote a recount of what they did. What can they remember at home?

Lower Juniors have started learning their new model text in English this week, The Boy and the Witch. They will be learning to writing ‘Conquering a Monster’ stories over the next few weeks, with a focus on how to create settings. In Topic, children have been learning about the origins of the Roman Empire. What can they remember about the story of Romulus and Remus?

Upper Juniors have done some excellent editing work this week using their turquoise editing pens to check their work before finishing. Their Frozen Kingdom topic is coming to an end shortly, however, they have continued their learning this week by exploring the polar oceans and comparing these to others. Can they remember some of the similarities and differences?

Just a reminder that next Thursday (3rd) is World Book Day in school. Please see Miss Hunt’s post for further information.

Please get in touch if we can support you in any way or if you feel you can support our learning in school.

