An overview of what's been happening in school this week
Dear Parents and Carers,
The weather has been kinder to us this week and the children have enjoyed being able to get out at play time and lunch time. Our whole school attendance for last week was 93.6%, which is below our whole school target of 97%. Well done to Mr Lathan’s class, who had the highest attendance last week with a great 97.7%! Just a reminder that our gates are open between 8:40am and 8:50am and collection time is 3:05pm. Please be mindful that the parking area at the front of the school is for disabled parking only and cars should not be parked on the zig zag lines outside the school.
Mini Meteorites have really enjoyed accessing the cars and garage this week. As part of their outdoor learning, the children have created an obstacle course, and practiced using their gross motor skills to follow it. The vet role play and tea party home corner have also been very popular. Can the children role play either of these at home?
Early Years have had such an exciting week this week on the hunt for Evil Pea. Finally, he has been captured! He was sneakily hiding out in the DT Room at the other end of the building. You can find some links to some of the Supertato books below -
Forest School this week was also super exciting as the children discovered frogspawn in the forest. We will continue to watch them as they change into frogs. Our focus numbers this week have been 11-14.
Key Stage 1 have done some amazing writing based on the Literacy Shed clip ‘The Way Back Home’ - The children worked really hard to include exciting vocabulary and remember all of their full stops and capital letters. In History, the children have been learning all about Tim Peake, the famous British astronaut. What can they remember about him at home?
Lower Juniors have been focusing on writing interesting setting descriptions this week and have created a Writer’s Toolkit to help them remember what they could include. In PE, they have been developing their Gymnastic skills, using points and patches to create balances on different parts of their bodies. Can they demonstrate some at home?
Upper Juniors have started their newspaper writing unit this week and have been story mapping their model text, ‘Train Track Terror!’. Can they show you their actions at home and retell the report? In Topic, children have been finding out about the natural resources at the polar regions and what they can be used for. Can they remember any at home?
Next week is British National Science week in school. Miss Norris, our Science Leader, will be sending out a Science curriculum newsletter with lots of exciting Science activities you can do at home. We will also be completing lots of fantastic Science work in school, too. Next Friday is also Comic Relief. Mrs Cooling will be updating Dojo with more information shortly.
We have been so proud of all of our Gold certificates and 100% Attendance certificates this week, too. Please get in touch if we can support you in any way or if you feel you can support our learning in school.