An update on what's been happening in school this week
Dear Parents and Carers,
A warm welcome back to school for the Summer term. I’m not quite sure where the week has gone – it seems to have flown by. The children have settled really well back into school routine and it has been lovely to hear about their Easter adventures. Lots of chocolate was consumed all round!
We have welcomed a new member of staff to the team this term. Mr Satchell has joined as our new Sports Coach and has started covering each class for one of their PE sessions this week. We will hopefully be able to offer a wider range of sports clubs to you in the near future so watch this space.
Early Years have had so much fun over the Easter holidays keeping an eye on the tadpole development. Hiding amongst the tadpoles we also discovered what we think is a dragon fly nymph; how exciting! In school this week, we have started to learn all about mini-beasts and our caterpillars have arrived. We are looking forward to watching them turn into butterflies over the next couple of weeks. In Maths we have been learning about doubling – can you help with this at home? Socks are useful!
Key Stage 1 this week have had an animal themed week, too, through their new topic, Wriggle and Crawl. We have been learning all about the different animal groups; birds, reptiles, fish, mammals, amphibians and insects. How many can they remember at home? In English, we have started to learn our new model text, ‘All about Lions’, which is an information page. Look out for the text maps on Dojo for the children to share with you at home.
Lower Juniors have started their new Topic unit, ‘Flow’, which is a Geography focused theme about rivers. This week, they have learnt about the rivers and seas of the UK and next week will build on this to world rivers. Can they remember any at home? In English, we have been learning the model text, ‘The Abandoned House’, and have written warning posters which are up around school. In Maths, we are continuing with our tricky fractions learning, too.
Upper Juniors have been learning about classification keys as a way to group animals. In English, they have started a new unit – suspense narrative writing – and have completed their Cold Writes. There was some amazing use of language and I am sure their final pieces will be spine-tingling! With SATs approaching, there has been lots of focus on final preparations for the tests. All of the children are working really hard and we are sure they will do their very best.
Just a reminder, next Monday – 2nd May – is a Bank Holiday so schools will be closed. We look forward to seeing you all back in school on Tuesday 3rd.