Easter Celebrations
We are hoping, Covid cases permitting, to be able to share our Easter celebrations with you.
Assemblies will be taking place in the last week of term. In order to minimise risks, we are going to run these as phases, with parents invited to specific slots. (We would ask that only 2 people attend per child).
The planned dates/times are as follows:
Monday 4th April - 9.00 Rainbow parents
Monday 4th April - 2.30 Sunshine parents
Tuesday 5th April - 9.00 Year 6 parents
Tuesday 5th April - 2.30 Year 5 parents
Wednesday 6th April – 9.00 Year 4 parents
Wednesday 6th April - 2.30 Year 3 parents
Thursday 7th April - 9.00 Year 2 parents
Thursday 7th April - 2.30 Year 1 parents
More details will follow near the time – please bear in mind that at present this is provisional and will depend on the number of Covid cases.