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Newlands Community Primary School

Shine Bright

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  • School Crossing Patrol

    Mon 16 May 2022

    Please be aware that Jo, who covers our school crossing patrol, will not be on duty during the week commencing 23rd May. Please remind the children about crossing safely - we will also talk to the children in school.

  • Deadline for disco and photograph money

    Mon 16 May 2022

    The deadline for handing in disco and photograph money is the end of the day Monday 16th May.

  • Changes to menu this week and next

    Mon 16 May 2022

    Change to menu this week:

    Thursday 19th May (Census Day) Fish Fingers, Veg Nuggets or Jacket Potato with cheese

    Friday 20th Battered fish as normal

    Change to menu next week:

    Thursday 26th May (Jubilee and disco celebration day) Fish Fingers, Veg Fingers, Jacket Potato with Tuna

    Friday 27th May (last day of term) Jubilee Street Party picnic 

  • What's been happening in school this week

    Fri 13 May 2022

    I hope this curriculum newsletter finds you all well. Our whole school attendance last week was 94.9%, which is below our whole school target of 97%. Well done to Mrs Johnson’s class who had a fantastic 99.5% attendance. We are still having a high number of holiday requests coming in. Just a reminder that term time holidays are not authorised unless in unavoidable and exceptional cases.

    This week, we have been very busy with our learning.

    Mini Meteorites have been busy planting begonias this week which will make our courtyard look amazing. We have enjoyed our time out on the field exploring all of the circus skills equipment and activities; the streamers and pom poms were great. In the room we have loved messy play this week – mud and foam have been a particular favourite!

    Early Years have been learning about ladybirds and writing ladybird facts. We've been working on our quick recall of number bonds to 5 and also learning subtraction facts to 5 in maths. We've also released the tadpoles back into Forest School and we saw two newts and ground bees. We've also had a brilliant visit from a local beekeeper today and we are all experts on bees now!

    Key Stage 1 have been working hard on their end of unit pieces of writing this week. They have used a computer programme to design a new animal which combines body parts of lots of other animals. We have had lots of weird and wacky creations! The children have written information texts based on their new animals and we have seen some fabulous writing. In Topic, we have been comparing animal features and learning about the words ‘omnivore’, ‘herbivore’ and ‘carnivore’ – can they remember what they mean at home?

    Lower Juniors have extended their river learning further this week by looking at the features of rivers. Can they remember any at home? This video and poster pack gives a really good explanation if they have forgotten any -, .
    In English, the children have been working hard to use their model Warning Tale to start to write their own using class ideas. Next, they will write one completely independently – we look forward to being spooked!

    Upper Juniors have started their new unit, Stargazers. During this Topic, we will develop our knowledge of the Solar System, the Moon, planets and significant individuals including Newton and Galileo. This week we have taken our inflatable planets onto the field to learn more about their size and distance from the sun. Can they remember the order and distance?

    Our Year 6 pupils have completed their SATs tests this week. Although we will not get their test results until the last week of term, we do know that they have all worked extremely hard. They showed real determination, focus, concentration and resilience to all of the test questions. We cannot underestimate how important these skills will be for them throughout their life and you should all be incredibly proud of your children – we certainly are in school.

  • What's been happening in school this week

    Fri 06 May 2022

    I hope that you all enjoyed the wonderful weather over the Bank Holiday weekend and were able to make the most of it. Our whole school attendance last week was 94.6%, which is below our whole school target of 97%. Well done to Mr Causon’s class who had a fantastic 99.6% attendance. We are having a high number of holiday requests coming in. Just a reminder that term time holidays are not authorised unless in unavoidable and exceptional cases.

    We have had a very busy week in school this week.

    Mini Meteorites have been exploring the season of Spring, talking about the changes we can see outside; blossom on the trees, beautiful flowers and seeing the sunshine (some days!). We have also loved creating our own blossom artwork and making potions and soups with natural resources.

    Early Years have been learning about bees and writing facts about them. We've also been sharing equal amounts in maths and continued our learning about odd and even numbers. In the Creative Area, we have been planning the models we want to make and then chosen the resources we need. We've talked about painting models and adding extra detail – super Creative Chameleons!

    Key Stage 1 have been continuing to work on our model text in English. We have talked about the words ‘habitat’, ‘diet’ and ‘appearance’ for various animals to help us write reports next week. In the afternoons, we have labelled body parts of animals and explained how they help that animal. We have also started a dance unit in PE which was very exciting! In maths, year 2 have been working on their mental arithmetic whilst year 1 have started learning arrays.

    Lower Juniors have continued their new Topic unit, ‘Flow’. This week, we have further developed our learning about rivers by looking at some of the word rivers – can the children remember any of these at home and any of their key facts? In English, we have had a vocabulary focused week, considering our words choices to make them really specific.

    Upper Juniors have been comparing life cycles of different animal groups; insect/amphibian/bird. We are really excited to begin our next Topic unit next week – Stargazers – where we will learn all about Space. In English, we have been learning new text, 'The Old Mill', and have been creating our own text maps for the narrative. Year 6 have also explored arpeggios in music and had a go at playing them on the glockenspiel!

    Next week, our year 6 pupils will sit their SATs tests. All of the children and staff have been working incredibly hard to prepare for these and I would like to pass on my thanks to everyone involved. I just wanted to share this with you all -

    At the moment, you’re doing a lot of English and Maths, but you’ve got lots of other skills. Unfortunately, SATs don’t test these. They don’t test whether you’re a creative person, good at I.T. or brilliant with animals. They don’t test your speaking skills or whether you’re fantastic at mending things. They don’t measure whether you’re arty or sporty, a musician or someone who really cares for other people. Although subjects like Maths and English are important, never forget you’ve been given talents in plenty of other areas too.

  • Jubilee Celebration Day & Disco

    Tue 03 May 2022

    Thursday 26th May will be a Jubilee celebration day.
    Children can come to school wearing red, white and blue for a £1 donation and after school there will be a Jubilee ball (disco!).

    Details about the disco will be sent out at the end of the week but if any parents/carers are able to offer to help supervise the children (infants 3-3:45, lower juniors 4-4:45 or upper juniors 5-5:45) we would be grateful if you could contact the office. Thank you

  • An update on what's been happening in school this week

    Fri 29 Apr 2022

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    A warm welcome back to school for the Summer term. I’m not quite sure where the week has gone – it seems to have flown by. The children have settled really well back into school routine and it has been lovely to hear about their Easter adventures. Lots of chocolate was consumed all round!

    We have welcomed a new member of staff to the team this term. Mr Satchell has joined as our new Sports Coach and has started covering each class for one of their PE sessions this week. We will hopefully be able to offer a wider range of sports clubs to you in the near future so watch this space.

    Early Years have had so much fun over the Easter holidays keeping an eye on the tadpole development. Hiding amongst the tadpoles we also discovered what we think is a dragon fly nymph; how exciting! In school this week, we have started to learn all about mini-beasts and our caterpillars have arrived. We are looking forward to watching them turn into butterflies over the next couple of weeks. In Maths we have been learning about doubling – can you help with this at home? Socks are useful!

    Key Stage 1 this week have had an animal themed week, too, through their new topic, Wriggle and Crawl. We have been learning all about the different animal groups; birds, reptiles, fish, mammals, amphibians and insects. How many can they remember at home? In English, we have started to learn our new model text, ‘All about Lions’, which is an information page. Look out for the text maps on Dojo for the children to share with you at home.

    Lower Juniors have started their new Topic unit, ‘Flow’, which is a Geography focused theme about rivers. This week, they have learnt about the rivers and seas of the UK and next week will build on this to world rivers. Can they remember any at home? In English, we have been learning the model text, ‘The Abandoned House’, and have written warning posters which are up around school. In Maths, we are continuing with our tricky fractions learning, too.

    Upper Juniors have been learning about classification keys as a way to group animals. In English, they have started a new unit – suspense narrative writing – and have completed their Cold Writes. There was some amazing use of language and I am sure their final pieces will be spine-tingling! With SATs approaching, there has been lots of focus on final preparations for the tests. All of the children are working really hard and we are sure they will do their very best.

    Just a reminder, next Monday – 2nd May – is a Bank Holiday so schools will be closed. We look forward to seeing you all back in school on Tuesday 3rd.

  • Updated Covid Guidance

    Mon 04 Apr 2022

    Dear Parents and Carers,
    As you may be aware, the Covid guidance changed on Friday 1st April.
    Please read the following for specific guidance:

    The key points of the guidance are summarised below:

    What to do if your child has symptoms
    Your child should stay at home and avoid contact with other people if they have symptoms of COVID-19 and they either:
    · have a high temperature
    · do not feel well enough to go to school, college or childcare, or do their normal activities

    They can go back to school, college or childcare when they feel better or do not have a high temperature.
    If your child has mild symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat or mild cough, and they feel well enough, they can go to school, college or childcare.

    Children and young people aged 18 years and under who have a positive test result:
    If a child or young person has a positive COVID-19 test result, they should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 3 days after the day they took the test. After 3 days, if they feel well and do not have a high temperature, the risk of passing the infection on to others is much lower. This is because children and young people tend to be infectious to other people for less time than adults.

    Children and young people who usually go to school, college or childcare and who live with someone who has a positive COVID-19 test result should continue to attend as normal.

  • An overview of what's been happening in school this week

    Fri 01 Apr 2022

    Dear Parents and Carers,
    Well the weather has certainly kept us all on our toes this week; no one is quite sure whether to wear flip-flops or snow boots!

    Our whole school attendance for last week was 90.1%, which is well below our whole school target of 97%, however we are aware Covid has impacted on this. Well done to Mrs McEntee’s class, who had the highest attendance last week with 96.4%. Just a reminder that our gates are open between 8:40am and 8:50am and collection time is 3:05pm.

    Mini Meteorites have been exploring and talking about how the frog spawn is changing into tadpoles. They have also loved our new story resources, re-enacting their favourite ones with their friends. Can they retell their favourite story at home?

    Early Years have had an exciting week, even getting caught in a snowstorm during Forest School! The children have enjoyed looking after the tadpoles, painting Spring pictures and innovating stories in Talk for Writing. They have even been adding in Maths – what a busy week!

    Key Stage 1 this week have had a great week of Maths learning. Year 1 have learnt about capacity and completed lots of measuring tasks, using water to learn about full and empty. Year 2 have completed more learning about fractions. We can now make 1/2, 1/4 and 1/3 of an amount. In Topic, we have learnt all about the artist Salvador Dali and drew pictures of animals in his style.

    Lower Juniors have been writing their Hot Write ‘Conquer the Monster’ stories this week. I have seen some amazing writing and lots of use of turquoise editing pens, where children have self-corrected their first drafts; well done! In Topic, children have been finding out more about life in the Roman army and how brutal it could be. Can they remember any details at home?

    Upper Juniors have had an exciting week. Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their trip into Leicester to visit The Warning Zone. The children explored many real-life scenarios and thought about how to keep themselves safe. Year 5 have been working hard practising Steel Pans, ready to perform to parents at the Easter assembly. I have been lucky enough to see a rehearsal a few weeks ago; you will be blown away!

    We are looking forward to welcoming you into school next week for our Easter assemblies. It has been such a long time! The children are very excited and have been working hard on their songs and poems to share with you.

    Just a reminder, school will close next Friday – 8th April – for the Easter break.

  • Easter Assemblies are running!

    Fri 01 Apr 2022

    I am very excited to confirm that our Easter assemblies are able take place next week.

    In order to minimise risks, we are going to run these as phases, with parents invited to specific slots. We are also needing to limit numbers to a maximum of 2 people per child please.

    The planned dates/times are as follows:

    Monday 4th April - 9.00 Rainbow parents
    Monday 4th April - 2.30 Sunshine parents
    Tuesday 5th April - 9.00 Year 6 parents
    Tuesday 5th April - 2.30 Year 5 parents
    Wednesday 6th April – 9.00 Year 4 parents
    Wednesday 6th April - 2.30 Year 3 parents
    Thursday 7th April - 9.00 Year 2 parents
    Thursday 7th April - 2.30 Year 1 parents

    When you arrive for the assembly, please line up at the gate where you would normally wait at home time.
    (If you are attending a 9.00 assembly, we ask that you drop off children as normal and go around the one-way system back to the gate)

    If you are experiencing any symptoms of Covid-19, please do not attend.

    Miss Norris

