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Newlands Community Primary School

Shine Bright

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  • An overview of what's been happening in school this week

    Fri 18 Mar 2022

    What an exciting week of Science we have had this week! Our whole school attendance for last week was 91.3%, which is below our whole school target of 97%, however we are aware Covid has impacted on this. Well done to Mr Lathan’s class, who had the highest attendance for the second week in a row last week, with a great 98.5%! Just a reminder that our gates are open between 8:40am and 8:50am and collection time is 3:05pm.

    Mini Meteorites have really enjoyed going on a bear hunt this week. They have read the story ‘We’re Going on Bear Hunt’ and have explored the different settings in the tuff spot – the flour ‘snow’ was a real hit! The children loved exploring Forest School again this week, where they were super excited to discover newts!

    Early Years have been learning all about Spring this week. The children have been looking for signs of Spring and have done some beautiful observational drawings of daffodils. Our PSHE learning has been linked to changes in our bodies since we were babies. In Phonics, we have been recapped all of our sounds.

    Key Stage 1 really enjoyed making their straw and paper rockets this week as part of Science week. They talked about ‘forces’ and started to think about gravity. They paper folding involved lots of teamwork to ensure they were rolled and folded correctly – great work being Teamwork Turtles Key Stage 1!

    Lower Juniors have been growing rainbows this week as part of their exciting Science. The children explored how the dye moves upwards into the paper towel through capillary action to create an amazing rainbow. In addition, some of the children have explored non-Newtonian liquids using cornflour and water – are they a solid or a liquid? In Topic, children have explored the significant emperors of Rome, including Julius Caesar.

    Upper Juniors have made exploding fruit volcanoes this week. The children loved seeing how the citric acid reacted with bicarbonate of soda to form a volcanic eruption. We have also been carving soap as part of our artwork linked to Inuit art. The children used a range of carving techniques to produce some amazing designs.

    We are looking forward to seeing lots of the children in red this morning in support of Comic Relief. Please get in touch if we can support you in any way or if you feel you can support our learning in school. Thank you for your continued support.

  • Vehicle Access to Site

    Thu 17 Mar 2022

    From Thursday 17th March, there will be no vehicular access to the site via the front gates into the disabled parking bay area between 8:35-8:50 and 3:00-3:15. The gates will be locked between these times.

    If you require access to a disabled parking space, you will still be able to access this before 8:35am and 3:00pm, however, the gates will be locked until 8:50 and 3:15. You are welcome to park and remain on site until these times.

    The pedestrian gates at the front of the school will still be open for children and parents/carers to walk through and drop off/collect.

    This decision has been taken to ensure the safety of all pedestrians on site during busier drop off and collection times.

    Thank you for your understanding.

  • Easter Holiday Camp

    Thu 17 Mar 2022

    Children who are eligible for benefits-related free school meals have the opportunity to join a free creative camp hosted by Total Insight Theatre during the Easter Holidays. This will be based in Hinckley.
    More information can be found at

    Translation viewed by 1 parent


  • Comic Relief Friday 18th March

    Fri 11 Mar 2022

    On Friday 18th March we will be supporting Comic Relief by inviting everyone to come to school wearing red. A suggested donation of £1 can be made at ParentPay, please follow this link to donate:

    In an assembly next week your child will learn more about Comic Relief and how the money raised will make a difference to the lives of millions of people across the UK and around the world.
    You can learn more about what the money is used for here:

    Translation viewed by 1 parent


  • Easter Celebrations

    Fri 11 Mar 2022

    We are hoping, Covid cases permitting, to be able to share our Easter celebrations with you.

    Assemblies will be taking place in the last week of term. In order to minimise risks, we are going to run these as phases, with parents invited to specific slots. (We would ask that only 2 people attend per child).

    The planned dates/times are as follows:

    Monday 4th April - 9.00 Rainbow parents
    Monday 4th April - 2.30 Sunshine parents
    Tuesday 5th April - 9.00 Year 6 parents
    Tuesday 5th April - 2.30 Year 5 parents
    Wednesday 6th April – 9.00 Year 4 parents
    Wednesday 6th April - 2.30 Year 3 parents
    Thursday 7th April - 9.00 Year 2 parents
    Thursday 7th April - 2.30 Year 1 parents

    More details will follow near the time – please bear in mind that at present this is provisional and will depend on the number of Covid cases.

  • Change of menu from Monday 14th March

    Fri 11 Mar 2022

    Our temporary 2 choice menu will be ending on Friday 11th March and we will be returning to the original 3 choice menu from Monday 14th March (please note it will starting on week 2)

  • An overview of what's been happening in school this week

    Fri 11 Mar 2022

    Dear Parents and Carers,
    The weather has been kinder to us this week and the children have enjoyed being able to get out at play time and lunch time. Our whole school attendance for last week was 93.6%, which is below our whole school target of 97%. Well done to Mr Lathan’s class, who had the highest attendance last week with a great 97.7%! Just a reminder that our gates are open between 8:40am and 8:50am and collection time is 3:05pm. Please be mindful that the parking area at the front of the school is for disabled parking only and cars should not be parked on the zig zag lines outside the school.

    Mini Meteorites have really enjoyed accessing the cars and garage this week. As part of their outdoor learning, the children have created an obstacle course, and practiced using their gross motor skills to follow it. The vet role play and tea party home corner have also been very popular. Can the children role play either of these at home?

    Early Years have had such an exciting week this week on the hunt for Evil Pea. Finally, he has been captured! He was sneakily hiding out in the DT Room at the other end of the building. You can find some links to some of the Supertato books below -
    Forest School this week was also super exciting as the children discovered frogspawn in the forest. We will continue to watch them as they change into frogs. Our focus numbers this week have been 11-14.

    Key Stage 1 have done some amazing writing based on the Literacy Shed clip ‘The Way Back Home’ - The children worked really hard to include exciting vocabulary and remember all of their full stops and capital letters. In History, the children have been learning all about Tim Peake, the famous British astronaut. What can they remember about him at home?

    Lower Juniors have been focusing on writing interesting setting descriptions this week and have created a Writer’s Toolkit to help them remember what they could include. In PE, they have been developing their Gymnastic skills, using points and patches to create balances on different parts of their bodies. Can they demonstrate some at home?

    Upper Juniors have started their newspaper writing unit this week and have been story mapping their model text, ‘Train Track Terror!’. Can they show you their actions at home and retell the report? In Topic, children have been finding out about the natural resources at the polar regions and what they can be used for. Can they remember any at home?

    Next week is British National Science week in school. Miss Norris, our Science Leader, will be sending out a Science curriculum newsletter with lots of exciting Science activities you can do at home. We will also be completing lots of fantastic Science work in school, too. Next Friday is also Comic Relief. Mrs Cooling will be updating Dojo with more information shortly.

    We have been so proud of all of our Gold certificates and 100% Attendance certificates this week, too. Please get in touch if we can support you in any way or if you feel you can support our learning in school.

  • Covid Update for Parents and Carers

    Fri 04 Mar 2022

    Symptoms of Covid-19:
    Pupils with any symptoms of Covid-19 should not attend school. The government has asked us not to allow those with confirmed or suspected case of Covid-19 to attend site. Anyone with symptoms of Covid, should book a PCR test and self-isolate until they receive a negative result, and if they have a positive result, should follow the steps below. Symptoms concerned are: a new continuous cough, a high temperature, or a loss of or change in your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia).

    Although some aspects of the legal guidance have changed, pupils who test positive for Covid will need to stay at home for at least 5 full days, and then continue to follow this guidance until they have received 2 negative test results on consecutive days or until day 10, whichever is earlier. Please notify us if your child has symptoms and has booked a PCR test, and/or if your child tests positive for Covid, as we have to use a different attendance code.

    However, from 1st April, the Government will update guidance, setting out the ongoing steps that people with COVID-19 should take. It is not yet clear whether this will include schools, and we will share further details around this with you when they are available to us.

    Close Contacts:
    Close contacts will no longer need to test daily for seven days, or report to us that they are a close contact, although we would encourage close contacts to test regularly, to check out symptoms straightaway and to take precautions. Children should attend school as usual. This includes those who have been in close contact within their household.

    Proactive measures:
    • We will encourage children and staff to continue to sanitise and/or hand wash regularly, to minimise infection.
    • We will encourage the ’catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach.
    • We will continue enhanced cleaning routines with a focus on frequently touched surfaces.
    • We will continue to encourage good ventilation and to monitor the ventilation of areas.
    • The government recommend that all school staff and eligible pupils take up the offer of a vaccine.

  • An overview of what's been happening in school this week

    Fri 04 Mar 2022

    What another wet and windy week again in school! Our whole school attendance for last week was 94.9%, which is below our whole school target of 97%. Well done to Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Connolly’s class who had the highest attendance last week with a great 98.8%! Just a reminder that our gates are open between 8:40am and 8:50am and collection time is 3:05pm. Please be mindful that the parking area at the front of the school is for disabled parking only and cars should not be parked on the zig zag lines outside the school.

    Mini Meteorites have had a great week using their artistic and visual skills to paint daffodils for Saint David’s day. They are currently on display in the room, brightening our day, but we shall send them home to you all over the next few weeks.

    Early Years have had an exciting week as the search for the Evil Pea continues….where might he be? I know some of you have been hunting for him at home – keep up the great work! Can the children retell the story to you? You can find some links to some of the Supertato books below -
    Pancake Day was a huge hit in Early Years, too. Delicious! Can children remember any of the ingredients or steps to make them at home?

    Key Stage 1 really enjoyed their Forest Day earlier in the week. They had lots of fun exploring the area, playing a game of Vanish and building houses out of natural materials. Following this, children wrote their Hot Write Recounts, writing all about the events of their day and trying really hard to include time conjunctions and use chronological order. What can they remember doing at home?

    Lower Juniors have been ‘Reading as a Reader’ this week in English, exploring the new vocabulary in their model texts. Which words can they remember at home and can they tell you their meanings? In Topic, children have continued learning about the Roman Empire, focusing this week on how society was organised and structured. What can they recall?

    Upper Juniors have focused their Topic learning on climate change this week, thinking about how humans affect the land and environment. They explored how sea level are rising and looked at the physical Geography of the Polar regions. What can they remember at home?

    All of the children looked brilliant in their pyjamas today and enjoyed a range of World Book Day activities – thank you to all who took part. Please get in touch if we can support you in any way or if you feel you can support our learning in school.

